samedi 14 septembre 2013

I'm weird.

I know I'm weird. I kinda like it.
I juste wish, sometimes, that I was able to be a little less weird.
I know it, writting on the toilet seat, locked up, during the break between two bands at a live a show, is really weird.

But I can't stay alone up there when no one is playing.
But I coul'd stay with someone up there either because i wouldn't know what to say (exept if it's "him").
Yes, sometimes I just wish I was a little less weird.

The people sitting in front of the toilet's door are gonna think I'm really sick for staying 30 minutes in the toilets. But you know what? I don't care. 'cause I'm already weird anyway. I should have take a book in my bag.

This makes me think of some nights, back in the days when I wasn't weird enough (yet) to go out alone and staying on my own. I had friends and they liked night clubs. They always wanted me to come with them. But I always hated dancing and that kind of music was everything I hated. So i waited every time, standing still when everyone around was dancing. Drinking beers to pass the time. When it became really boring (I mean, even more than it already was) I went to the toilets and listened to my mp3 player, read or wrote some mad things only mad people write hidden in the toilets (I guess me sitting here tonight has nothing new) The music was so bad, I even walked inside the night clubs with my headphones on.

Then I sat somewhere to wait. Once I drank too much, I even slept on a sofa beside a very loud amp. Once I asked for my friend's car keys and went sleeping in the car until 4 am, while they were still dancing.

 The only moments I liked there were the way to go there in the car, and the way back home. I don't mind staying in the toilets. It gives me some time off.

But sometimes I wish I was a little less weird.


This was really written in the toilets of a great music venue. I just rewrote it on here.

3 commentaires:

  1. J'aime bien ce texte, la façon dont il est écrit et ce qu'il raconte. ^^

  2. Oh le premier commentaire de mon blog ;)
    Je viens de le corriger, je l'avais écrit (enfin recopié de la feuille où je l'avais écrit au concert)tard et j'avais fait plein de fautes.

  3. Il claque ton blog! J'adore le style! :D
    Je me réjouie de lire tes prochains articles!
